
Veenstra Bedrijfsauto's Joure - inkoop en verkoop van bedrijfswagens in Joure

Welcome to the website of Veenstra Bedrijfs auto's Joure BV.

Veenstra cars has its origins in 1970 in Kortezwaag. At first the core business was trading in used cars. Soon Veenstra was looking for a location in Joure. In 1973 A. Veenstra started in a new building on the Scheen in Joure as a dealer of Simca, and later on Chrysler, Peugeot and Talbot.

In 1998 A. Veenstras son Gerard Veenstra took over the dealership from his father and he has taken towards greater specialization in trade of used cars.

There was more space required for the accommodation of all company cars. So a few years later the company moved to the Yndustriewei in Joure. At the new location at the Yndustriewei in Joure we have 5000 square meters of space and an offer of approximately 140 cars.

Veenstra Bedrijfsauto's Joure BV
Gerard Veenstra
Yndustriewei 21
8501 SN Joure

+31 513 413355
+31 513 413397
+31 653 256353


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